
  Industry Application - Household

Commonly, household products such as detergents, cookware, kitchenware, and appliances use plastics, including Polyester (PET), Polystyrene (PS), and Polyolefins, to fulfill various packaging requirements.

The brands opt for PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) in detergent packaging due to its transparency, lightweight nature, recyclability for sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, to prevent color fading or product degradation, brands often incorporate UV blockers into their PET packaging. UV blockers help shield the contents from ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, which can otherwise contribute to the deterioration of colors and the overall quality of the product over time.

In cookware and kitchenware, the use of liquid colors is essential as it significantly influences the product's visual appeal. These colors play a vital role in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the items, contributing to their overall attractiveness and marketability.
Employing vibrant liquid colors in their Polystyrene (PS) packaging is a strategic choice by brands to impart a premium feel to consumers. This deliberate use of premium colors is particularly crucial in products such as kitchen appliances, electronic gadgets, and other items where the visual allure and a sophisticated aesthetic serve as pivotal selling points.

ColorWay offers comprehensive solutions for UV Blocker and Multi-Color options for plastics packaging of household products, catering to the specific requirements of brands.
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